Website Member Listing and Profile
In the Members' Only section of the CAPhO website, a list of CAPhO Members is available to members to facilitate contact between members. As a member, you can also provide information for your Member Profile page where you can post a photo, a short biography and contact details. Please indicate if you wish to be listed on the Member Listing and Profile pages. You can change this answer in your Account Settings at any time.
Communication and Photograph Consent
As a member, you will receive regular email updates from CAPhO. Communications may include membership and association information, details on upcoming conferences and events organized by CAPhO and/or its partner organizations and eNewsletters. Please indicate below if you give permission for your email address to be added to the CAPhO communication list.
If you select “opt-out” you will not receive any communications from CAPhO other than renewal notifications, Bylaw amendments and payment reminders. If you select “opt-in”, you can stop receiving communications at any time by clicking unsubscribe in the email or by emailing The privacy and security of your information is very important to CAPhO. Visit the CAPhO website to read and learn about CAPhO’s privacy policies and how your data is used. Photographs taken at CAPhO events may be used for promotional purposes. By becoming a member you provide your consent for CAPhO and its suppliers to use any photographs with your image.
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Member Details
To enable CAPhO to better meet your needs, please answer all the questions below. "Please select..." and questions with an * are required questions and need to be filled in before continuing. Fields followed by a (P) will be displayed in your Member Profile on the CAPhO website if you agreed to include your information.
CAPhO Committees and Task Forces
* CAPhO relies on volunteers to serve on the Committees and Task Forces to lead and manage the Association. Please indicate which of the following areas you would be interested in volunteering:
I have worked in Oncology Pharmacy practice for this number of years:
Please indicate the areas you practice in (select all that apply): (P)
* Definitions:
Administration (e.g. business management, supervisory, co-ordinator)
Distribution (e.g. medication reconciliation, electronic medical record systems, ward stock, order entry, PYXIS, SAP, reimbursement)
Education (e.g. teaching, training, 'Standards of Practice' creation/review/updates, residency)
Specialty Practice (e.g. BMT, biological therapy, breast cancer, cardiology, gynaecology, haematology, infectious disease, myeloma)
Sterile Compounding (e.g. IV room preparation, IV training, sterile preparation)
Safe Handling / Quality Assurance / Quality Control (e.g. medication safety, patient safety, pharmacovigilance, product safety, safe handling of hazardous drugs)
If you selected “Other", "Clinical Pharmacy", "Cytotoxic Reconstitution", "Research” or "Speciality Practice", please provide specialties.
If Other enter details
If Clinical Pharmacy enter speciality
If Cytotoxic Reconstitution enter speciality
If Research enter speciality
If Speciality Practice enter speciality
Be sure to visit CAPhO's Community Centre to find and join specialized oncology groups that align with your practice and areas of focus.
CAPhO Research Mentorship Network
The CAPhO Research Mentorship Network (Network) offers ‘new’ researchers or ‘new investigators’ (mentee) a supportive environment in which to engage with experienced oncology pharmacy researchers (mentor) about the process of identifying, preparing for, completing and writing up an oncology pharmacy research project.
Pharmacy / Oncology Organizations:
* Please indicate which of the following Pharmacy / Oncology Organizations you are a member of (tick all that apply):
If you selected "Other", please specify other membership organization:
Other (please specify)
In order to better understand the demographics of members, please answer the following:
What age range do you belong to?
Please indicate below if your language preferences are being met by CAPhO.
If you selected “No”, please explain why.
Please provide any comments / ideas that you feel will help the CAPhO Board of Directors create more value for you as a member.
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CAPhO Membership (5% tax)
For qualifying information on membership categories, please visit the Membership page of the CAPhO website. As of January 1, 2022 the membership period has changed from a calendar year (Jan to Dec) or multiple calendar years (3 years) to either 12 months or 36 months from the date of joining. Membership fees are due upon sign up or renewal.
Please select the appropriate membership fee* and then click on “Next” to continue with your membership payment.
Fees are due in Canadian Dollars (CAD) and exclude 5% Goods and Services Tax (GST).
Thirty Six Month Memberships
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CAPhO Membership (13% tax)
For qualifying information on membership categories, please visit the Membership page of the CAPhO website. As of January 1, 2022 the membership period has changed from a calendar year (Jan to Dec) or multiple calendar years (3 years) to either 12 months or 36 months from the date of joining. Membership fees are due upon sign up or renewal.
Please select the appropriate membership fee* and then click on “Next” to continue with your membership payment.
Fees are due in Canadian Dollars (CAD) and exclude 13% Goods and Services Tax (GST).
Thirty Six Month Memberships
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CAPhO Membership (15% tax)
For qualifying information on membership categories, please visit the Membership page of the CAPhO website. As of January 1, 2022 the membership period has changed from a calendar year (Jan to Dec) or multiple calendar years (3 years) to either 12 months or 36 months from the date of joining. Membership fees are due upon sign up or renewal.
Please select the appropriate membership fee* and then click on “Next” to continue with your membership payment.
Fees are due in Canadian Dollars (CAD) and exclude 15% Goods and Services Tax (GST).
Thirty Six Month Membership
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CAPhO Membership
For qualifying information on membership categories, please visit the Membership page of the CAPhO website. As of January 1, 2022 the membership period has changed from a calendar year (Jan to Dec) or multiple calendar years (3 years) to either 12 months or 36 months from the date of joining. Membership fees are due upon sign up or renewal.
Please select the appropriate membership fee* and then click on “Next” to continue with your membership payment.
Fees are due in Canadian Dollars (CAD) and exclude 5% Goods and Services Tax (GST).
Thirty Six Month Membership
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Student Membership Documentation
To confirm your selected membership fee, your anticipated graduation year and student identification is required.
Please enter your anticipated graduation year.
For students , proof consists of a copy of your student identification (must be dated) or a letter from your institution's registrar confirming your current student status.
You can upload a JPG or a PDF below (to a maximum of 5,000 GB per file).
Student Identification
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Pharmacist Membership
In order to qualify for the Pharmacist Membership, you must be registered, and be in good standing, with a college. Please answer the question below to continue:
Are you a pharmacist registered and in good standing with a college?
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Pharmacist Membership
Please indicate which college you are registered with.
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Technician/Assistant Membership
In order to qualify for the Technician/Assistant membership fee, you must be registered with, or graduated from, or certified by (as the case may be) a college, institution or program responsible for regulating pharmacy technicians or pharmacy assistants. Please answer the question below to continue:
Are you a technician/assistant in good standing as per the above requirement?
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Technician/Assistant Membership
Please indicate which college, institution or program you are registered with, graduated from, or are certified by.
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Below is a summary of your CAPhO membership application. If changes are required, please click on the "Edit" button and make adjustments. If the information below is correct, please proceed to the Payment Page by clicking on "Next."
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Payment Details
Cheque If you are paying by cheque, please include the name of the member and "CAPhO" on the cheque, and make the cheque payable to "Sea to Sky Meeting Management Inc." and mail to the address at the footer of this page. Funds are due in Canadian Dollars. A receipt will be sent to the email address provided in this membership record once payment has been received.
Debit Card (Visa Debit, Debit MasterCard and Maestro) or Credit Card (American Express, Mastercard and Visa) If paying by debit or credit card, CAPhO or CAD ASSN ONCOLOGYPH will appear as the vendor on your credit card statement.
Please indicate your payment method below and if paying by debit or credit card, please enter the requested details.
Please only click on the “submit” button once and wait until your transaction has been processed before proceeding.
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Thank you for renewing your membership / becoming a member of the Canadian Association of Pharmacy in Oncology (CAPhO). CAPhO promotes, supports and advances oncology pharmacy practice by:
Creating an evidence-based inventory of the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for the competent practice of Canadian pharmacists in an oncology focused practice setting
Expanding innovative educational opportunities in pursuit of excellence in practice
Developing an advocacy program to represent and advance the interests of members
Delivering value through continual assessment, understanding, and response to members' needs
Engaging members and advancing the field of oncology pharmacy
Upon receipt of payment, you will receive access to the Member Centre on the website, as well as all the associated benefits . Use the same username (email address) and password you set up during this application process. For student members, please allow at least two full business days to review proof of your student status in order to activate your CAPhO online account. Once you receive notification of activation, you can log in to the Member Centre on the website using your username (email address) and password that you set up during this application process. Regardless of your membership category, if your login does not work, contact CAPhO’s Association Management Office at . We look forward to your active participation. Follow us on Facebook , Instagram , LinkedIn and Twitter to join the conversation, stay tuned at #CAPhO and be connected. Share this membership opportunity with your colleagues. Thank you for being a CAPhO member! Canadian Association of Pharmacy in Oncology (CAPhO) Association and Conference Management Office Sea to Sky Meeting and Association Management Inc. Suite 206, 201 Bewicke Avenue North Vancouver, BC, Canada V7M 3M7 Phone: +1-604-984-6455 Email: Web: Follow CAPhO on: LinkedIn | Twitter/X | Instagram | Facebook